Dear Sir/Madame,

Reminder on 2023 annual China CIT filing

This serves as a reminder to you. Shanghai has just kicked off the annual China corporate income tax (CIT) filing for 2023. The same is expected in other cities in China.The annual CIT filing will be due on 31 May, 2024.

This is a heads-up to you for the coming CIT and TP filing season! Please check if your company falls under any of the circumstance, which may draw the attention of the Chinese tax bureau:

  • Small and low profit enterprises;
  • High-tech enterprises;
  • Enterprises claiming R&D super-deduction;
  • Enterprises which have complex related-party transactions;
  • Enterprises applying for CIT refunds; or
  • Enterprises with material discrepancy between CIT and VAT tax base, fluctuation in revenue/profit, and other abnormal issues.

Thanks for your attention. lf you need any help, feel free to contact us.

Thanks and best regards,
WTS China

March 21st, 2024
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