What we stand for

We are connected by our shared values, which are the foundation on which we base our daily actions upon. These values form the basis for our interaction with clients, member firms and colleagues.

WTS China – Our Values

How We Work

Excellence: The expertise and the high quality standards of our personnel together with proven working relationships within the Network yield to a consistent level of excellence and outstanding client service.

Global team: WTS China acts as a global well-practised team with excellent cooperation with WTS-Global members knowing immediately whom to contact in another country, hereby securing cost efficiency and responsiveness.

One point of contact: Our clients have one point of contact knowing their business as well as their expectations and needs. Such point of contact efficiently co-ordinates the tailor-made international project team.

Harmonized solutions: With experienced project managers, WTS China provides clients with harmonized solutions for any jurisdiction concerned.

Cross-border solutions: WTS Global makes it possible to present fast and consistent cross-border solutions to our clients.

Our Strengths

A firm you can rely on

  • WTS China has extensive experiences in delivering tax advisory and consulting services.
  • We understand your business and how you operate and are poised to address your immediate and long-term service needs.

A dedicated and accessible team

  • Local partner-led, responsive service to address potential issues through quick resolution and decision making.
  • Dedicated project management support to ensure deadlines are met.

Our service delivery

  • Our well-planned, flexible and effective tax and business advisory services will help you meet deadlines with minimum disruption to your business.
  • We will leverage tax professional skills and in-depth knowledge to deliver an efficient process that optimise your business operations. In addition, our teams will work seamlessly to develop legitimate approaches to enhance tax efficiency of your operations with sound advice and proven tax strategies.
  • We will provide flexible approach and methodology to manage the engagement efficiently, and ideas for business improvements throughout the engagement.
  • We have abundant experiences in transfer pricing, tax health check, tax due diligence, company restructure and tax audit assistance.

Reasonable service fees

  • Openness and transparency in pricing our work, no surprises service approach.

Get in contact

If you have any questions about WTS China or our global services, please get in touch.
We will respond to you as soon as possible.